Dear World,
I’ve decided to create my OWN universe and live in it! I have gladly ostracized myself from your world and I’m in the midst of creating a piece of heaven in my very own universe. 2010 has been a year of bumpy rides, twist and turns, highs and lows. Now for 2011 I’m soaring through the skies blindfolded. No cares. No worries. Just living - freely. Message to all, I encourage you to try it! Screw the opinions of others, live by your own got damn rules! *Channeling Kanye West.* CAN’T tell me NOTHING! In my world…ahem *clears throat* UNIVERSE you don’t wait for anything. YOU make it happen! Enough with all that gossip-gossip its time to profit-profit! I’m sick of flapping my gums its time for my feet to do all the work. Simply talking about it isn’t enough if you don’t act on it. So in MY universe there are no chairs because there is no time to rest. My ambition is my fuel. I’ve thrown my fears away in 2010 so there is nothing holding me back. VROOM, VROOM! BTW, HAPPY NEW YEARS! =D
I love this idea