Wednesday, December 22, 2010

If I Can't Do It, It Simply Can't be Done! =D

All right 2011 is my DIY (Do It Yourself) year! If I can do it myself then it will be done. No more spending unnecessarily. I use to be so good at saving but lately I’ve been spending money that I do NOT have. I look back on my less than wise purchases and it really ticks me off. Because I could have that money in the bank NOW, I did not NEED to purchase that item. Ugh, but I let it go. You only live once right? But no more of that! The madness must be stopped! Oh how I have so much planned for 2011. I just feel as if something epic is going to happen I just don’t know what it is yet. However, I am excited to find out. I am looking forward to a major change. Hopefully it’s a good change and nothing tragic. I also have a lot planned for this blog. You just wait and see! I have a lot of places to check out before my schedule becomes hectic again when school begins. So I will take this time to fit in as much events as possible. And of course I will document my journey every step of the way.  

Anyhoo, this is a picture I found of my nephew clutching his hands together. He was less than a month when I took this photo on my phone. Everytime I look at it I smile. He’s going to be four months soon and my love for him grows more and more with each passing day. It’s amazing how love grows. At times I wonder if I can have children because I wouldn’t know what to do with myself if anything were to happen to them. I honestly couldn’t handle it. I really don’t understand how ANYONE could harm a child. They evoke nothing but innocence. Nevertheless, he’s my free model. I’ve taken some great photos of him and can’t wait to take him out when he’s a little older to take some great shots outdoors. I would post a few I have taken but my sister would kill me! She doesn’t want her son posted all over the Internet, which is totally understandable. But he’s just too cute, I might just sneak one in here one of these days *mischievous grin.*

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About Me

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Alight, so my life truly isn't overly exciting. I am a simple girl who enjoys the simple things in life. I have big dreams and plan to turn them into a reality one day. I hate to categorize myself because I can honestly put a little of myself into almost every category. Can't we all? I have several different sides. I'm a 3 dimensional kind of girl. I am who I am and I gracefully resign for all that I am not. At the end of the day, I'm just living MY life the best way I know how. xoxo