Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Always Stay True To... YOURSELF!

Hello my gumdrops! So I was wandering through a few blogs and stumbled across Anyhow, as I was reading a few of her entries and I came across this post: 


I think its natural for you as a person to want to nurture and cater to people you care about. Maybe it comes without thinking or maybe we do it in order to recieve the same kindness or love in return. Problem is, these traits aren’t in everybody, and as we all know, what you put out into the world may not always come back in the form you expected.
Have you ever asked yourself “Why am I so nice to people and they still treat me like crap?”…of course you have. We all do it once in our lives. I still do it. With strangers, even friends and family. I asked myself that question today at work because this lady pretty much blew me off after I greeted her. The thing I’ve been trying to wrap my mind around is that I should’nt get angry and let myself waste energy on another persons stank attitude. I know they probably arent having the best day. And all anger really is just fear and a little bit of sadness, so then I feel bad for that person… Anywho, It hurts sometimes to keep that smile on my face. Stay in character. Its hard but its possible. Im not perfect but I’m trying, and all the good you do will be recognized.

This spoke VOLUMES to me. Why? Because it’s so true! I feel like that all the time. It’s bizarre, I’m just happy I’m not the only one who feels this way. I think we can all relate to this to some extend. And she’s so right, TRY your best to stay in character! Nevertheless, her website is pretty cool. Check it out! BTW, her faded haircut makes me want to chop ALL my hair off! She looks simply divine! Take care gumdrops! XOXO

BTW...I thought Rihanna looked amazing at the American Music Awards

Friday, November 19, 2010

Forever in a Wonderland! =D

Sometimes I feel so inspired! I feel inspired to create…create a masterpiece! Its like a gush of ideas rushes into my head. I feel so energized. I feel ready to go out into the world and do something, anything. I just want to run wild and free and not give a damn if anyone is watching. I just want to laugh and be happy, just live and lavish in the moment. Then BOOM! The feeling passes and I feel drained and exhausted. Pretty weird huh? I know. I guess I’m kind of weird like that, most of the time my thoughts make no sense. Yet, they drive me completely up the wall. My thoughts are the loudest. Did you hear me? MY THOUGHTS ARE THE LOUDEST! They drive me insane sometimes, just relentless. But I’m learning to accept that, that’s just me. My thoughts are loud and obnoxious. My mind is in a constant race. I’m actually laughing at myself right now on how ridiculously psycho I must sound. But you know what that’s okay. Whew, that’s how I know I’m growing, before I could only write this in my diary or something. Not share this with others in particular perhaps strangers. But I’m beginning to realize that we are all virtually in the same situation only at different levels and in different places. Life is just so awesome, and I’m happy to be alive! I hope all of you are having a lovely day. You are all beautiful (yes, I believe guys can be beautiful too). This photo inspired me and made me smile. I hope it serves as some form of inspiration for you as well. Smiles.* XOXO

Just a Little Inspiration...

Hello, my beautiful gumdrops, cupcakes, and bumpkins! I’m so extra right?  Lol oh well who cares I’m just in an awfully good mood. I’ve decided to be nothing but positive from now on. From now on I’m just going to start putting things into perspective and try (key word TRY) to see the good in everything. I’m going to try to stop focusing on the cons and focus on the pros. Life truly is beautiful and you can’t enjoy it walking around with a huge lump of coal on your shoulders. And that’s what I’ve been doing lately. For reasons way too personal to disclose. BUT I will say that things are slowly beginning to change not necessarily my situation but my attitude. It finally dawned on me one day that I can’t change my surrounding BUT I can change how I perceive things. I’ve been told that I’m a little too secretive and private so this is my way of sharing my umm feelings (for the lack of a better word) with you. And quite honestly it feels kind of good, I feel like I’ve grown a great deal over the past year. And though I may have some regrets I am grateful for the experiences I have had to lead me to the point by which I stand today. You can’t change the cards you are dealt but how you play the game. And I plan on playing a knock out of a game. I hope you all plan on doing the same. Just stay positive and remember like the good the bad times shall pass too. Hope all of you have an amazing day! XOXO

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Show Up to Stand Out!

Dear Santa (Mom),
I promise to be a good girl for a whole year if I could have all these things under the tree for Christmas, please! Would not mind adding these items to my closet:

I sometimes think about how my life would be if I were born into a rich family. Then again who hasn't had this fantasy? Sighs. I don't want to seem ungrateful; because I am grateful for the things I do have and simply adore my family. But still it sucks to have to work, not that I'm lazy or anything. I do NOT expect anything to be handed to me on a silver platter in this lifetime... I'm just so tired of being the underdog! But no worries, I am currently working like a slave to one day be MASTER! Oh yea! I will do whatever it takes to one day become my own boss besides going against my morals and compromising my self-respect of course. And I refuse to step and break someone else's toes to get to the top. Needless to say, Christmas is in fact my favorite time of the year. I may be jumping the gun a bit considering the fact that Thanksgiving is next week and I do LOVE to eat. Please do not let my size fool you lol. Anyhow be on the look out for these bad boys this upcoming spring 2011.  

 Aurélie Bidermann 



Wednesday, November 17, 2010

When it rains let it...

When it rains let it rain diamonds! Oh dress me in everything pretty and sparkly. I swear up and down the simple things in life make me happy. A pleasant conversation can make my day; honestly it doesn’t take a whole lot to get a smile out of me. I was in class today and one of my classmates had this awesome color on her nails. It was royal blue but it had sparkles. Not the regular glittery sparkly nail polishes. But it was like the glitter was sealed into a layer versus being all shiny and sparkly at the top. Does that make sense?

Now do you see what I mean? Anyway, this is the exact nail polish she had on. Its called, Across the Universe by Deborah Lippmann. It’s a bit on the pricey side retailing at $18 a bottle. But when I saw it, it totally made me smile. Imagine a shade of nail polish made my day? Pretty sad life huh? Nonetheless, these are some things that tickled my taste buds today...

Drools* (wipes mouth)
Alexander McQueen

Monday, November 8, 2010

She Fancy Huh?

Presenting the beautiful Olena lol. Yes, it was time for another one of those shoots. And once again the amazingly talented Vivian showed off her artistic skills. These dresses are a few of her masterpieces. If I had even an ounce of such talent, I probably would never step foot in another retail store again! Admirers would ask: “Hey where did you get that?” Me: “Oh this? I made it myself!” HA! Now that’s straight up DOPERY! Nonetheless, Olena was a dream to work with because she absolutely LOVED the camera, she would probably make love to it if she could lol just kidding. But she is so flipping cool. Simply adore her! Now that I think of it ALL my friends are BADASS! Smiles.* 




Ahh no more paparazzi lol
Vivian and Olena being silly =D

Silly me. Don't ask me what I was doing. That's my fav scarf BTW
Olena and me being silly. Good times. Huge smiles*

Mouth Watering!

If I had this jacket in my life, I would be the happiest girl. It’s simply delicious! Gold chain embellishments on a leopard print shoulder-padded blazer? YUMMY!! 

I Got A Thang For Ya...

I know I haven’t posted anything new in ages. Sad face.* I need to learn better time management. I hardly ever have any free time and when I do I just want to curl up underneath the sheets and go to bed. But things will get better. Pinky swears.* Anyhow, today my Spanish professor decided to ask her students who their ideal types were. And of course she calls on me, the only person I could think of was Jesse Williams. He is hot! He’s one of the actors from Grey’s Anatomy. I love that show BTW. It’s a total superficial attraction because I definitely do not know that man. I just LOVE his freckles. Drools.* I think I have a thing for guys with freckles. Smiles.*

About Me

My photo
Alight, so my life truly isn't overly exciting. I am a simple girl who enjoys the simple things in life. I have big dreams and plan to turn them into a reality one day. I hate to categorize myself because I can honestly put a little of myself into almost every category. Can't we all? I have several different sides. I'm a 3 dimensional kind of girl. I am who I am and I gracefully resign for all that I am not. At the end of the day, I'm just living MY life the best way I know how. xoxo